Wednesday Worship – William Stewart Preaching

Hybrid Event

Join us in person in Santee Chapel on the Lancaster Seminary campus or live on Zoom for our ecumenical, weekly 30-minute worship service. Seminarian William Stewart will preach. Bulletin Zoom link

Seminarian Community Council – Event

Lancaster Theological Seminary 555 West James Street, Lancaster, PA, United States

Lancaster Seminary's Seminarian Community Council - SCC - invites current students to monthly get-togethers featuring fellowship and food during the 2022-23 academic year. These monthly events on Wednesday afternoons will take place after the 11:00am worship services in the chapel. This event features soup and salad.

Saturday Worship – Devin Jeffers Preaching

Hybrid Event

Join us in person in Santee Chapel on the Lancaster Seminary campus or live on Zoom for our ecumenical, weekly 45-minute worship service. Seminarian Devin Jeffers will preach. Bulletin Zoom 

Wednesday Worship – Dr. Greg Carey Preaching

Hybrid Event

Join us in person in Santee Chapel on the Lancaster Seminary campus or live on Zoom for our ecumenical, weekly 30-minute worship service. Professor of New Testament Dr. Greg Carey will preach. Bulletin Zoom link

Saturday Worship – Dr. Carey Preaching

Hybrid Event

Join us in person in Santee Chapel on the Lancaster Seminary campus or live on Zoom for our ecumenical, weekly 45-minute worship service. Dr. Greg Carey, Professor of New Testament, will preach. Bulletin Zoom 

Wednesday Worship – Devin Jeffers Preaching

Hybrid Event

Join us in person in Santee Chapel on the Lancaster Seminary campus or live on Zoom for our ecumenical, weekly 30-minute worship service. Seminarian Devin Jeffers will preach. Bulletin link Zoom link

Learn LTS: Master’s Programs

Online Event

You’re invited to this virtual informational session to learn more about Lancaster Theological Seminary, our affordable, accessible, and flexible degree programs, and hear from students, staff and faculty about our diverse and welcoming learning community. If you are considering theological education and ministry – whether as a pastoral leader, chaplain, social justice organizer, nonprofit leader […]

Saturday Worship – Carol Moore Preaching

Hybrid Event

Join us in person in Santee Chapel on the Lancaster Seminary campus or live on Zoom for our ecumenical, weekly 45-minute worship service. Seminarian Carol Moore will preach. Bulletin Zoom 

Alumni Return & Learn – Dr. Brigidda Bell

Online 555 West James Street, Lancaster, PA, United States

Alumni of both seminaries are invited to this hybrid Return & Learn presentation with Moravian Seminary Assistant Professor of New Testament Dr. Brigidda Bell. The topic is, “Hear her voice: the women coworkers of Paul.” Do you know the women of Paul's churches? Despite what some may say about Paul's position on women's leadership, there are […]

Wednesday Worship – Rev. Dr. Dominique Denman Preaching

Hybrid Event

Join us in person in Santee Chapel on the Lancaster Seminary campus or live on Zoom for our ecumenical, weekly 30-minute worship service. The Rev. Dr. Dominique Denman will preach. Bulletin link Zoom link

BAXTER FORUM: Retelling the Origin Story: The Power & Presence of the Afro-Christian Convention in the UCC

Online Event

Register here to attend the online Baxter Forum on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 4:00pm ET. Retelling the Origin Story: The Power & Presence of the Afro-Christian Convention in the United Church of Christ. Seeking dignity and justice in a racist context following the Civil War, Afro-Christian congregations in North Carolina and Virginia formed independent conferences […]

Seminarian Community Council – Meet & Greet

Lancaster Theological Seminary 555 West James Street, Lancaster, PA, United States

The Seminarian Community Council - or SCC - invites students to gather in fellowship on campus for a fellowship event with refreshments every second Friday of the month at 9:15 pm after evening classes end. In February, the SCC event will take place on the THIRD Friday of the month.