Lancaster Theological Seminary is a sponsor of "ROOTS," the story told by one Israeli Jew and one Palestinian Muslim, and the ways their work is challenging thinking by creating a space for understanding, nonviolence, and transformation. This free event will be held in person and online. Masks are required for the in-person event at The […]
Lancaster Theological Seminary Professor of Church History Dr. Anne T. Thayer is the preacher for this worship service. The title of her sermon is "Watch the Widow." Click here for the bulletin.
Lancaster Theological Seminary Professor of Church History Dr. Anne T. Thayer preaches at this Saturday morning chapel service. Her sermon is "Watch the Widow." Click here for the bulletin.
Vice President and Dean of Lancaster Theological Seminary and Moravian Theological Seminary, the Rev. Dr. Heather Vacek, delivers the Comenius Lecture via Zoom on Saturday, Nov. 13, at 9:00 a.m. Her presentation, "Madness: American Protestant Responses to Mental Illness," will offer a window into American Protestant responses to mental illness over two centuries, a period […]
Lancaster Theological Seminary Field Education Coordinator, the Rev. Dr. Melvin Baber, is the preacher for this worship service. His sermon is, "The Promise of a New Beginning," Mark 13:1-8. All are welcome to this in-person service in Santee Chapel. We observe socially distanced seated and face masks are required.
The UCC Penn Central Conference Minister, The Rev. Dr. Carrie Call, is the preacher for this worship service. Her sermon is entitled, "Which Jesus Are You Preparing For This Advent?"
You're invited to this virtual open house to learn more about Lancaster Theological Seminary, our affordable, accessible, and flexible degree programs, and hear from students, staff and faculty about our diverse and welcoming learning community. If you are considering theological education and ministry - whether as a pastoral leader, chaplain, social justice organizer, nonprofit leader […]
The National Council of Churches and the United Church of Christ are co-hosting a free Zoom session on Student Loan Forgiveness on Friday, December 3, 2021 at 2:00pm ET. Attorney Ashley Harrington, a senior level official from the Federal Student Aid office of the US Department of Education, will go through the process of consolidation […]