Delivering the Baccalaureate sermon will be Dr. Anne T. Thayer, the Paul and Minnie Diefenderfer Professor of Mercersburg and Ecumenical Theology, Professor of Church History and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program. Bulletin Music: Called as Partners in Christ's Service As We Gather at Your Table Sent Forth By God's Blessing
Commencement will be at 11:00am at Church of the Apostles in Lancaster. Professor of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Dr. Julia M. O'Brien will deliver the commencement speech, "Sustenance for Change" (Exodus 16:11-18; 31-35).
You’re invited to an online informational session to learn more about Moravian Theological Seminary, and our affordable, accessible, and flexible spiritual direction programs. Go deeper into the life of the Spirit and learn to support the same attention to God in others. The MTS Spiritual Direction program provides the contemplative training necessary to hear the […]