Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship, Director of Chapel Worship


  • BMus, Westminster Choir College of Rider University, 1990
  • MDiv, Palmer Theological Seminary, 2010
  • PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary, 2017

Dr. Williams joined the faculty at Lancaster Theological Seminary in 2017 after serving both the academy and the church. Her Princeton Theological Seminary PhD dissertation was on developing a distinctive, post-colonial homiletic rooted in the music of calypso for her birth place, the twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago. She has served as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care at Princeton United Methodist Church. A graduate of Westminster Choir College of Rider University, she is an accomplished musician who has taught piano and voice. Her higher ed teaching experience includes work as a Graduate Instructor at Princeton Seminary and as an Adjunct Professor at Palmer Theological Seminary, where she earned her MDiv.

Her research interests include the symbiotic relationship between preaching and sacred song, particularly in worshiping communities of color; deconstructing the colonialist hegemony of European and North-American approaches to preaching and worship; intentional, inter-cultural pedagogy as a learning strategy in worship and preaching classrooms; theorizing and affirming the preaching and worship practices of underrepresented communities of faith.

Curriculum Vitae