Star Organist To Showcase Bach Concertos

December 9, 2019

Dr. Robert Horton, award-winning organist, performs a free concert at 4:00 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Santee Chapel. Entitled As He Did Unto Others, the organ and harpsichord concert features Bach concertos performed as solo keyboard music. The title alludes to J.S. Bach’s practice of “borrowing” concertos by Antonio Vivaldi for solo keyboard performances.

Horton, organist and choirmaster at Holy Trinity Church in Lancaster, studied at the conservatory in Touluse, France, on a Fulbright scholarship. He won highest honors at the Mikhail Tariverdiev Competition in Russia, and received second place honors and the audience favorite prize in the American Guild of Organists 2018 national competition in organ improvisation.

The concert is free and open to all. Enjoy complimentary light refreshments after the performance.